Friday, July 29, 2011

Stephen Baldwin Always Brings His Favorite Knife to Movie Premieres

And now for unsurprising news that you’ll still be shocked to hear: Stephen Baldwin carries a knife to movie premieres. Sigh! If Alec is the august Baldwin, William is the functional, competent Baldwin, and Daniel is the downtrodden Baldwin, Stephen is certainly the wild card. (Those of us who watched both of his seasons on Celebrity Mole know this best.) Let an intrepid reporter tell you her story of interviewing Stephen and encountering his four-inch blade. According to Vulture, Baldwin’s red carpet behavior at a screening of Rachel Weisz’s new movie The Whistlebower warranted a whistleblowing of its own. After Baldwin spoke of his involvement with a charity, he produced the knife like a shady guest in Mr. Boddy’s mansion. …Baldwin then talked about his work with an organization called Love146, which aims to prevent child sex slavery and exploitation. “They’re involved in the militia groups that go in and rescue people, things like that,” he explained. Does he undertake any such missions himself? “Not that I could talk about with you here,” he said, somewhat mysteriously. And this is where he pulled a knife — out of his pants pocket — and held it up between us. “Let’s just say that if anyone tries to do anything to you tonight,” he said in an assuring manner, “I’ve got your back. Okay?” Okay! Contemplating the four- or five-inch blade before us, we wondered aloud if he took it everywhere with him. “Yeah,” he said. “And a few other things.” Does the knife have a name? Yes, he said: “My assistant.” Future interviewers might want to keep this encounter in mind. What if he wasn’t kidding and the knife was his real assistant? I’d believe it. The knife might’ve been barking into its Blackberry and wearing a pencil skirt, for all I know. I’m just spitballing; I want to believe he doesn’t carry a knife like a high school thug. Wait, what am I saying? Of course I do. You scare up some lunch money, Mr. Baldwin! Stephen Baldwin Carries a Knife to Movie Premieres [Vulture]

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